The B&O Railroad Museum

As I've mentioned below, last week my friend Bob and I visited the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore, MD.  It's an absolutely terrific place for a railfan, with lots and lots of old steamers showing the progression of the iron horse through the years.  They've done a superb job of restoring the museum after the roof collapsed under a blizzard's snow some years ago.  When we visited last year, there were three old steamers behind glass waiting to be restored; this year there were only two.  I've posted a bunch of photos on the B&O Railroad Museum page of my web site, which now has photos from all three of our visits there.  The photo below is almost iconic, showing the C&O H6 articulated locomotive (looking almost insectoid with all of the acouterments on the front of the smokebox and the protruding number plates) with the roundhouse in the background.

B&O Railroad Museum

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