Two In One

The day before surgery, I did a somewhat different HD video shoot.  Rather than set up a train just for a shoot, I simply shot one of the trains that I've been running for a while.  It's a long string of older AtlasO reefers on my track #2, which is O-54.  It's hauled by the MTH Premier PRR K4s #1737, which is the prewar model.  Given the length and weight of this train and the relatively tight diameter of the curves, the train would normally be subject to stringlining. In order to prevent that, the train also has PRR K4s #1361, the postwar model, pushing at the rear.  DCS makes it quite simple to keep them synchronized with each other and, as you can see in the video, operation is flawless.  I also tried running the train more slowly, so that motion blurring is kept to a minimum, and I think it turned out rather well.  Enjoy!  🙂

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