The Dreyfuss Hudson

The New York Central (NYC) Hudson is probably one of the most recognizable of all steam locomotives.  The Hudsons were the backbone of the great steel fleet that plied the iron between New York and Chicago.  It was capable of pulling a large passenger train at more than 100 miles per hour, and headed most of the New York Central's premier trains, such as the 20th Century Limited.  The 4-6-4 Hudson evolved from the 4-6-2 Pacific through "superpowering" by adding a larger firebox and the extra trailing truck axle that was required as a result, much at the 2-8-2 Mikado evolved to the 2-8-4 Berkshire.  This MTH Premier model is of a NYC Hudson with streamlining designed by Henry Dreyfuss and includes the matching streamlined cars.  The prototype took to the rails in 1938 and this model came out at the end of 2000.  As you can see in the True HD 1080p video, the model is superb, it sounds great and it runs very well.  Toward the end of the second segment, you can hear the announcement of the 20th Century Limited as the train pulls into the station.

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