Two Trains on One Track!

In previous videos, I've shown my original model K4s that I converted from PS1 to PS2, my two later PS2 K4s's in prewar and postwar models, and the locomotives running double- and triple-headed.  What I've never shown before is those two later K4s's running individually, each hauling a commuter train as you'd have found them on the Pennsy mainline not far from my home.  That's an omission corrected by this True HD 1080p video, in which you see K4s #1737 (prewar) and K4s #1361 (postwar), each hauling its own commuter train, both running on the same track at the same time.  They aren't lashed up with the DCS remote control system; rather, they're both just set to the same speed and they maintain the separation between the trains by themselves.  Enjoy!  🙂

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