A Blast From The Past, Part 6

I thought I was finished shooting the original Protosound (PS1) locomotives that I refer to as the "oldies but goodies" but I totally forgot about this one, sitting undisturbed in a display case for at least the last ten years.  MTH brought out this RailKing model of the UP's Gas Turbine, the so-called "Big Blow", way back in 1997.  The exhaust from these was quite hot; one story that I remember is that one was parked under a highway overpass and the exhaust melted the asphalt roadway above!  The model has the original Protosound system (dubbed Protosound 1 or PS1 after the Protosound 2 (PS2) system came out), which gives it sound and rudimentary remote control.  Given that this is a RailKing semi-scale model, I'm not planning on upgrading it to PS2.  In this True HD 1080p video, you can see it hauling a passenger train made up of semi-scale extruded aluminum passenger cars.

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