The Next Set (1950-1951)

In 1950, Lionel brought out two sets of the small streamline passenger cars.  The first, which attracted most of the attention, was the so-called "Anniversary Set" which had three cars in yellow with gray roofs pulled by a set of new Alco FA diesel locomotives lettered for Union Pacific (I've shown my modern reproduction set in a previous video).  The second set was shown in the catalog as #2150WS and had three silver cars. 2421 Maplewood, 2422 Chatham, and 2423 Hillside (the same names used on the 1948-1949 green cars).  The catalog showed cars that were all silver with black lettering.  The cars that were actually delivered had black lettering, black window striping, and gray roofs — the same gray roofs as the Anniversary Set.  The set was pulled by the workhorse 671 Turbine.  In this True HD 1080p video, I show my recreation of set 2150WS, which was also reissued in 1951, using my Postwar 681 Turbine and the three cars.  I have to say, running cars with coil couplers and sliding shoes on a modern layout with hi-rail switches is a royal pain!

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