The Nadir

In the sixties, Lionel was going downhill, heading for the end in 1969.  In terms of the small streamline passenger cars that began appearing in 1948, 1964-1965 was the nadir.  The cars were silver, lettered in blue for Santa Fe with blue numbers 2404, 2405, and 2406, but had no lights and no window strips.  I suppose we were lucky they had wheels!  Totally low end, they appeared in one set that was marketed both years and were available for separate sale.  Since I've already shown all of my Postwar locomotives in other videos, for this True HD 1080p video I've assigned an Atlas SW-9 diesel to haul them.  Lettered for Jersey Central (one of my weak spots), it came out around 2000.  It's somewhat modern for these cars, but I've never shown it in a video before.

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