A New Video – MTH Premier PRR HH1 2-8-8-2 Steam Locomotive

After a thoroughly lousy winter (that makes two in a row and this one isn't over yet), I was happy that MTH finally brought out a new O-Gauge toy that I wanted.  They reissued the Premier-line scale model of the PRR HH1, a 2-8-8-2 articulated locomotive, the first time they've done so in twenty years!  The HH1 was a Y-3 purchased from the Norfolk and Western to fill the need for power during World War II and the PRR bought six of them.  Needless to say, I ordered it and picked it up from my dealer at a train show yesterday.  It is a superb model!  I have yet to set up for photography but when I do, I will share some photos.  I did, however, shoot a hi-def video of the locomotive in action, pulling a long string of the most recent AtlasO reefers, which I have never before shown in a video.  Shooting the video proved to be quite an adventure as my Vixia, unused for so long, had lost all its settings and I had to rediscover what settings I needed to shoot videos the way I like to.  What you're about to see is actually the fourth shoot; the first three all had problems.  I think I finally got the settings right so, here then is the video.

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