YouTube Is Something Else!

About seven months ago, as an experiment I tried uploading one of my train videos (available on the Multimedia page of my web site) to YouTube.  Though YouTube converts the videos to Flash, reducing the resolution and quality from the formats I have available on the web site (Windows Media, Real Media, and MPEG-4), it was potentially a whole new audience.  I was pleased to find that the video gathered quite a few views, so I uploaded a few more videos, then a few more ….  Fast forward to the present, I have eighty train videos on YouTube.  I just took a look and, in total, they've garnered just shy of 400,000 views!  Even more interesting is that if you search for O-Gauge and look at the top twenty most-viewed videos, five of those top twenty are mine!  Needless to say, I judge the experiment a success!  Laughing

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